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Jumping Fire A Smokejumper's Memoir of Fighting Wildfire

A veteran smokejumper recounts his three decades parachuting out of planes and fighting wildfires in Alaska and the rugged West, told within the framework of one thrilling season.
Murry A. Taylor
Available inHardcover,
Paperback & eBook
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Also by Murry Taylor
Murry Taylor's new novel, More or Less Crazy, is available on Amazon. Link below:
In More Or Less Crazy I return to the summer of 1973 to tell the story of what many of us call the T-Hangar Days. It's my first summer as an Alaska jumper.
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Too Steep and Too Rough, a novel by Murry Taylor.
"Too Steep and Too Rough speaks to the confused state of today's fire management policies and the resultant tension within the U.S Forest Service as managed fire competes with the catastrophic loss to communities and our resources. Historical perspective, forest management, climate change and community loss are all there...
-From a review on Amazon.
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Inerview on Jefferson Public Radio
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The Rhythm of Leaves, a Novel by Murry Taylor
The Rhythm of Leaves is a story of a small town in Southeastern Colorado that becomes divided over the issue of peace meetings in the local church during the invasion of Iraq. The congregation divides and then the town divides. The story examines the various issues concerning the war that eventually divided the entire nation.
Available in Paperback & eBook on Amazon.
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Make a Fire Jump!
Experience a fire jump from a Smokejumper's helmet-cam viewpoint.
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The Movie
Movie deal based on Jumping Fire crashes and burns...more
NEW: Nevermind walking the walk, can you talk the talk? Learn Smokejumper lingo with Taylor's Glossary of Smokejumper Terms.
Murry A. Taylor began his smokejumping career 1965. He divides his time between Alaska and northern California. Jumping Fire is his first book. Taylor's e-mail address is: murrytay@sisqtel.net All photographs by Mike McMillan Spotfire Images | Site Maintained by Ashland Websites